Meet the newest member of your team

We have a new resource in the Sinai ED. Say hello to your friendly ED pharmacist. In the past several years, the ED pharmacy has been centralized in a non-ED location. We all know well these faceless interactions with a human reminding you to renally dose your Zosyn, stop ordering the bicarb drip that way…and […]

Lidocaine for cough?

Whether it’s asthma, a U.R.I., or post nasal drip as the cause, cough is a common enough complaint encountered by emergency physicians everywhere. Of course you must always rule out the dangerous causes of cough (PNA, Measles, PE, Heart failure, CHF, lung cancer PVCs ) but once thats done, you still have to treat the […]

Measles redux!

A quick search of for the keyword measles brings up a solitary post from 2015, and it’s not actually about measles. With all the attention that measles has been getting in the news recently, now seems like a great time to revisit measles as a disease process, and go a little deeper than just […]

The Apple Watch Heart Study

Disclosure: I’m a huge Apple Fan. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the Apple watch, many of you reading this are wearing one right now. On April 24th, 2015 it joined a long list of wearable wrist devices that can monitor things like steps, energy expenditure, and even heart rate (1). […]

Look into my seeing EYE ball

THE EYE EXAM Keep it basic… APD Intra-ocular Pressures: Tono-pen v Applanator (Goldmann) Visual Acuity or be a Slit Lamp KWEEN Move outside in: Lids → Eyeball Lids: ducts, eyelashes, orbital lesions or findings EYE: Full EOM assessment and conjunctival assessment Anterior: Cornea for opacity, irregularities, fluericin staining for abrasions/ulcerations. Anterior chamber assessment for “cell […]

Oh no baby WHAT IS U DOIN’?

Neonatal Resuscitation. (Some descriptors for reference: Terrifying. Scary. Fear-inducing. Horrific. Chilling.) But fear not! Your TR pearl today is brought to you by the NICU rotation + Jillian Nickerson/T.Webb doing some excellent preparatory work for/with you. So there’s this thing called the NRP — Neonatal Resuscitation Program. It different from PALS mainly that it pertains […]

Amanita Muscaria

For those of you who remember Super Mario Bros… how awesome was it to gobble up that red and white mushroom gliding along the ground and get huge for a few seconds? The result of consuming this mushroom was a bigger and badder Super Mario who was ready to break bricks and take names. However, the color and […]

September 2024
