We know how important it is to wash out our patients’ wounds, but we also know what a pain and mess it can be, especially on a busy side. This is a quick pearl that was handed to me as an intern (I believe by our very own Dr. Erena Weathers) that has been an everyday GAME CHANGER. Here’s a step by step method to cleaner washouts and happier nurses/techs/patients.
TLDR: Find box, cut box, put chuck in box, put head/extremity in box, turn on suction and yankauer, clean
1. Find a grey plastic bin/box whatever, a chuck, a functioning suction unit with suction tubing and yankauer.

2. Cut a trapezoid out of the side of the box – those $90 shears can handle it like butter- Cut one side for a head, hand, or foot- Cut both sides for extremity lacs

3. Line the side with a chuck

4. Stick head/body part in, wash out with yankauer suctioning the run-off

Pro tip: anesthesize the area before starting this process so that after 5 minutes of collecting things and setting up you’ll be good to go. |