PEG Tube Dislogement

Why is this a pearl? We get G-tube dislodgments quite often at Sinai, and they can be an easy patient encounter with a quick note and quick dispo. But they made me so nervous as an intern and early 2! Now I love ‘em and you can love ‘em too…

GI Decontamination

Case: 37-year-old M presenting with obtundation and possible seizure-like activity after a large overdose of sustained-release bupropion (Wellbutrin XL), gabapentin, and other unknown medications. Given the severity of this patient’s…

Painless Jaundice

Case Summary: 22 y/o M no pmh p/w painless jaundice x 5 days in the setting of recent febrile illness 1 week prior and taking Tylenol 1g q6h for several days. Physical exam was positive for jaundice, otherwise normal. Notable lab findings i…

Put down that FOBT

“The HgB has dropped, have you checked a guaic?” How many times have you checked a FOBT in your workup for anemia? Let’s take a look at what FOBT is supposed to be used for. FOBT is a visual stool assay in which heme in th…

Troubleshooting PEG tubes

A patient is sent from nursing home at 10pm for a non-functioning PEG tube. He has a prior history of stroke with L sided weakness and is now bedbound at baseline. He has stable vitals, no abdominal tenderness, and is otherwise well appeari…

Imaging in Intussusception

Clinical Scenario: A 2-year-old female with no significant past medical history presents with vomiting and abdominal pain for 1 day. Among other entities in your differential diagnosis you are considering intussusception, however it is lowe…

LLQ abdominal pain

A 43 yo M presents with LLQ abd pain, non-bloody diarrhea and subjective fever for 1 d. His vitals are normal, has a WBC of 14 but otherwise normal labs.  He is given IV analgesia and clinically has improved, tolerating PO.  CT abdomen and…

July 2024
