ED Intubation Checklist

In addition to his love of ketamine and proper PSA technique, Reuben Strayer has written and talked extensively about ED intubations. Here is his checklist so that you can minimize complications and maximize your success: For more informati…

The Neuroprotective Intubation

Bottom line up front: (1) Intubating those with TBI or spontaneous ICH is dangerous. You want to prevent increased ICP that is caused by laryngoscopy. (2) Pre-treat with fentanyl if time and the pt’s BP allow. The dose of fentanyl is larger…

High Flow

Clinical Question – Why use High Flow Nasal Cannula? When should you use it over BIPAP? HFNC offers several advantages compared to conventional oxygen therapy, including: Ability to deliver O2 at up to 60 LPMs at nearly 100% FiO2. Thi…

A Whole New World

We all love FOAM, and we all love airway. Today’s pearl will introduce you to a corner of FOAM you may not have come across, as well as a corner of airway management you might not know about. I’m a big fan of Jed Wolpaw’s…

Oops…is that part important?

There you were, minding your own business when EMS brings you a sick-as-can-be patient, intubated in the field for who knows what. Someone gets overzealous with their trauma shears and cuts off the pilot balloon on the endotracheal tube. Th…

Awake Intubation Topicalization

Compiled from a variety of sources from #FOAMed (specifically, NYSORA and the ACCRAC podcast) and inspired by morning report today with Taryn and Tina, here is a quick and dirty rundown for awake intubation. Firstly, we should be considerin…

July 2024
