Title: “The 52 in 52 Review: Early Goal-Directed Therapy in the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock” Article Citation: Early Goal-Directed Therapy in the Treatment of Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock. Emanuel Rivers, M.D…
So now that the biggest nature-themed event of 2017 is finished, we can all throw our rad NASA certified eclipse goggles into a drawer until 2024, when the next eclipse is due, and move on with our lives. Correct? Wrong. Natur…
You’re in the middle of a busy Resus shift, no available beds, and someone asks you if they can bring back a patient for a procedural sedation to reduce a dislocated shoulder. “Arghhhhghgh” you think to yourself, “just what I need.” Tons of…
Article Citation: William H. Bickell, Matthew J. Wall, Jr., Paul E. Pepe, R. Russell Martin, Victoria F. Ginger, Mary K. Allen, and Kenneth L. Mattox. Immediate versus Delayed Fluid Resuscitation for Hypotensive Patients with Penetrating To…
Few would argue that Gastroparesis (or, delayed gastric emptying) is in the pantheon of coolest topics in EM these days, and for good reason. Affecting diabetics, chronic marijuana users, long-term smokers, this disease causes the un…
You are quietly typing away at your computer when the familiar (but not entirely pleasant) sound of retching fills the air. You look out onto the side and see a young woman dry-heaving into a pink plastic bucket, looking miserable. This per…