When the pressure is high: elevated blood pressure in pregnancy & postpartum

Almost 10% of pregnant women have hypertension:Pre-existing: 1%, Gestational hypertension: 5-6%, Preeclampsia: 2% Chronic hypertension (in pregnancy): systolic BP 140+ or diastolic BP 90+ began before pregnancy – severe: if systolic >160 or diastolic >110-diagnosed before pregnancy week 20 (or if persists >12 weeks after delivery)-increased risk of pregnancy complications: placental abruption, preeclampsia, low birth […]

Which Line is Sublime?

Let’s talk about large bore/central vascular access! We’ll review different kinds, their different names, and when to use them!Of note outside the scope of this review: how to insert each of these – I think this is better learned by watching videos, watching others, & doing with guidance.This is also by no means a comprehensive […]

Supraorbital block, Avir’s Decision-Making Gospel

Today is a 2 parter: 1) The Supraorbital (+supratrochlear) block for forehead lacs and 2) Comments on decision-making TNF at Ethyl’s 84th and 2nd again, 8 PM TLDR: The Supraorbital block will save you time and make your life easier/patient happier – WATCH THE 3 MIN VID; We are DECISION MAKERS – make decisions, learn from them, READ THE ATTACHMENT, get […]

Elmhurst Radiology Tips

“Hey let’s get bed 3 over to CT quick” “Any word on bed 3’s scans?” “Why hasn’t bed 3 gone to CT yet?!?” We’ve all been there. Here are some tips and tricks on how to work effectively with our radiology colleagues. TLDR: Be polite, check the GFR>30, make sure the line works, get charge involved, use the […]

Lac washouts done the right way

We know how important it is to wash out our patients’ wounds, but we also know what a pain and mess it can be, especially on a busy side. This is a quick pearl that was handed to me as an intern (I believe by our very own Dr. Erena Weathers) that has been an everyday GAME […]

How to win friends and influence people: NURSING EDITION

The relationship you have with your nurses will make or break you. You want need to have a strong working relationship with them. Here are some tips on how to do this, featuring amazing advice from ‘a washed up ex-ED nurse’ – our favorite and still family Molly Sullivan (now in the CCU). Also featuring advice from a handful of […]

July 2024
