Yes in fact we do have a massive transfusion protocol in place at Sinai. It’s quite amazing and surprisingly simple as long as the tubing system isn’t down. Follow the following steps.
- Call 46101
- Ask for “Massive Transfusion Pack”
- Provide patient name and MRN
- Within 10 minutes, Blood Bank should tube you down blood products.
- Along with blood products, you will find a form that needs to a signature and license number. Just fill it out and shoot it back to Blood Bank’s station (#114).
Remember Sinai Adult ED tube station is #11.
For all emergent uncrossed/matched blood needs that are not technically massive transfusion, follow the following steps.
- Call 46101
- Ask for “Emergency Release”
- Specify type and quantity of blood product
- Provide patient name and MRN
- Within 10 minutes, Blood Bank should tube you down blood products.
- Along with blood products, you will find a form that needs to a signature and license number. Just fill it out and shoot it back to Blood Bank’s station (#114).
The form that requires your signature and license number is attached for your viewing pleasure.