Daily Em Pearl, 5/2/12

An elderly man presents with new bloody urine x2days and abdominal distention/fullness. He noticed some clots prior to presentation and now hasn’t urinated x5hours despite a real urge to micturate. He has a h/o BPH and is on coumadin…

Daily Em Pearl, 5/1/12

A middle-aged G3P2 presents at 19wks gestation c/o abd pain that started early this AM. She had some nausea but no vomiting, a subjective fever and no loose or frequent stools. Your differential is broad but at the top is appendicitis. You…

Daily Em Pearl, 4/19/12

A 6yoM is brought by his guardian for intermittent crying, c/o abd pain for the past two days; he has vomited 4times over the past 2days. He has had no fever and has never had anything like this before.  At home his urine has been dark, and…

Daily Em Pearl 4/16/12

A 55yoM is BIBEMS after an MVC c/o RLE pain w/obvious deformity at the thigh. Distally he is NVI but is in excruciating pain. The portable plain film shows a mid shaft fracture. You order dilaudid but he’s still really uncomfortable….

daily EM pearl, 4/13/12

A young woman presents with a painful wrist, no trauma history. On exam, there is an effusion present, no erythema and tenderness to palpation. She is afebrile. How do you rule out a septic joint? What pathogen should be considered?  

Daily EM Pearl 4/4

Inspired by Tali Porat’s M&M What is the most consistant ultrasound finding in an ovarian torsion? . . . Answer: Unilateral ovarian enlargement (>4cm). Up to 73% of these has a complex adnexal or pelvoabdominal mass, which can…

Daily EM Pearl 3/22

In light of the ultrasound conference that very few of us could attend: A dialysis patient presents with mild hypotension and respiratory distress. Bedside ultrasound was done with the parasternal long view shown below. You are unable to ac…

September 2024
