Clinical Pearl

A previously healthy 28 yo F presents to your ED with HA, myalgias, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. She reports recent trip 2 weeks ago to Yosemite National Park where she was camping with her boyfriend. Pt is coughing, so…

Clinical Pearl August 21th

A 9 day old infant is brought to the ED with difficulty breathing and poor feeding for one day. Pt is found to be tachypneic, mottled, with peripheral cyanosis and no palpable LE pulses.  What’s your diagnosis? What should you do?

Clinical Pearl

Review of Classif ication of Misscarriage: Threatened Ab:  3.4 to 17% with confirmed FHR by.  Rates higher without. References: Tannirandorn Y, Sangsawang S, Manotaya S, et al. Fetal loss in threatened abortion after embryonic/fetal heart a…

Clinical Pearl: August 16.

A nursing home patient presents critically ill with respiratory distress, severe abdominal distension, ascites and oliguria.  You are concerned for abdominal compartment syndrome. How will you make the diagnosis?

A 29 y/o female with NIDDM and poorly controlled chronic asthma present s with 3days of sob and wheezing typical of her prior asthma exacerbations.  After two nebulizer treatments and dose of corticosteroids her PEFR is measured at 55% of p…

A 44 year old female with HTN, DM, and psychiatric disease presents with non-traumatic pain and vision loss in her right eye for 12 hours.  She has a right sided throbbing headache. On exam she has a 5mm R pupil which is sluggish to react,…

Clinical Pearl: July 24

A 14 year old male presents with gradual onset headache with blurry vision, photophobia, and right forearm “tingling.” He has had similar headaches previously, and this does not represent his worst headache. No neck stiffness. C…

Clinical Pearl: July 23

Interesting couple of pearls today regarding adenosine boluses for treatment of SVT courtesy of Bryan Hayes (@PharmERToxGuy). Standard dose is 6mg followed by 12mg, except under certain circumstances: The ingestion of caffeine prior to an a…

Clinical Pearl: July 19th

A 29 year old soccer player presents to your ER with a shoulder deformity after falling backwards onto an outstretched arm. He has dislocated the same shoulder three times previously. What two specific lesions should you look for on the xra…

Clinical Pearl: July 17

An 11 day old infant presents to the ED with persistent emesis after every feed, along with progressive yellowing of skin since birth and a 30% weight loss since birth. Physical exam reveals normal vital signs and a jaundiced, slightly leth…

Clinical Pearl: July 12

A 55 year old male with ESRD on peritoneal dialysis (PD) presents with fever and abdominal pain, reporting cloudy-appearing effluent today from his PD port. You are concerned, appropriately, that the patient has peritonitis. Since the patie…

Clinical Pearl: July 6

A 66 year old female patient presents to the ED with a transient episode of dizziness and SOB earlier today. PMH notable for stage III CKD, DM, HTN. She takes valsartan, metformin, and is currently on TMP-SMX (Bactrim) for a UTI. Her EKG sh…

September 2024
