I’ve Got the Black Lung Fluke

Post by @JoePinero 25 yo M no phx, from Ecuador, in US for 6 months, CC 1 month of cough w/speckled hemoptysis, +intermittent subjective fevers responsive to tylenol/motrin. +Wt loss of 7-10 lb’s in past month. In Ecuador worked as fi…

Persistent Cough and Ptosis

Post by @Fteranmd 55 yo M active smoker presents to the ED complaining of months of persistent cough, associated with difficulty reading due to inability to fully open his left eye. Physical exam is remarkable for findings shown in the pict…

Intermittent Visual Symptoms

57 yo M with PMHx of uncontrolled DM and HTN who presents with 3 weeks of intermittent  visual problems. Patient reports he sees flashes on both left sides of visual fields in both eyes. He is also unable to process 3D spacing and has troub…

Twisted Ankle

A 32 yo M presents with ankle pain and swelling after forcefully externally rotating it while playing soccer. He is unable to ambulate.  Ankle x ray is shown below. What other joint should you image?

Pearls for Meningitis

1. In a patient with suspected meningitis, should you give dexamethasone? 2. In the same patient, how much time do you have after giving empiric antibiotics to perform your LP?

It’s Stormy

28 you F with no known PMH, p/w palpitations x 3 days after bus trip to Washington DC, states she is feeling “awful”, symptoms have been constant and worsened today.  Also endorses b/l LE swelling, nausea, vomiting x1 per day, f…

Ddavp for Hemorrhage in Esrd Patients

CASE: 45F h/o ESRD on dialysis presents ped struck. Pt is obtunded, intubated for airway protection. CT head shows subdural hematoma with midline shift. Neurosurgery is activated. No antiplatelets or anticoagulants. Is this person coagulopa…

September 2024
