4 teasers for the 4th of July weekend.
1. What is this and why is it dangerous?
2. Patient had a DVT + PE, then got an IVC filter, then had another PE. How?
3. Fun Sporcle quiz – 3 letter body parts, 2 min
4. Higher level Sporcle quiz – Doses and drips, 5 min (good for 2nd years)
Answers to 1 & 2 are below.
1. Toxic megacolon is a medical emergency. Susceptible people include people susceptible to volvulus, those w/ Crohn’s, or anyone w/ any type of colitis. Toxins released from the expansion of the colon can lead to a state of shock and severe sepsis and then death. These patients need decompression ASAP.
2. Patient had 2 IVCs. Up to 10% of people have 2 IVCs.
3. & 4. If you liked these, let me know and I can make more.