Daily Em Pearl, 5/3/12

A middle aged man presents to the ED after almost 2days of penile pain and swelling. The sx started suddenly, during intercourse and he didn’t present until now 2/2 embarrassment.  But now the pain has not abated, the condition has no…

Daily Em Pearl, 4/21/12

An elderly man presents to the ED after falling down a flight of stairs at home. He has mild but worsening dementia and his wife called EMS when he couldn’t stand up from the fall. Your patient still does his own ADLs but is progressi…

Daily Em Pearl, 4/18/12

Early in the morning, a young man p/w R-great toe pain after having his foot stepped on while dancing last night (a few hours ago). On exam, you appreciate full ROM and strength but your patient is pretty uncomfortable. He took paracetamol…

Daily Em Pearl 4/16/12

A 55yoM is BIBEMS after an MVC c/o RLE pain w/obvious deformity at the thigh. Distally he is NVI but is in excruciating pain. The portable plain film shows a mid shaft fracture. You order dilaudid but he’s still really uncomfortable….

daily EM pearl, 4/14/12

A young woman is BIBEMS to your trauma bay. She has been assaulted, has multiple signs of trauma with a GCS of 6 and saliva is noted to be pooling in her mouth and onto the bed. After a swift and successful intubation you further assess the…

daily EM pearl 4/12/12

An elderly person p/w R-knee pain after stepping off the curb a few days ago. There is  mild swelling and the patient does not like to bear weight on the extremity. You order a plain film of the knee and it looks okay. When you present to y…

daily EM pearl 4/11/12

You are caring for a 7mo child who is not moving the LUE; a plain film shows a fracture. Child maltreatment is high on your differential. You want to order a skeletal survey and your medical student wants to know precisely what you’re…

daily EM pearl, 4/9/12

28 y.o. male felt his left knee “pop” after landing from a jump while playing basketball. Knee exam revealed limited knee extension. X-ray is shown in the link below. Diagnosis?             https://…

Daily EM Pearl 3/21

A 30yoM stabbed in the left 4th IC space suddenly arrests as he rolls into the trauma bay. You perform a left sided thoracotomy, open the pericardium, to find a laceration to the left ventricle which you put your index finger over, successf…

July 2024
