52 in 52: POCUS in Trauma

Article Citation: Melniker LA, Leibner E, McKenney MG, Lopez P, Briggs WM, Mancuso CA. Randomized controlled clinical trial of point-of-care, limited ultrasonography for trauma in the emergency department: the first sonography outcomes asse…

Unstable Cervical Fractures

Last pearl before our inservice tomorrow. Good luck to everyone. Hopefully this will buy you an additional point.   Jefferson Bit Off A Hangman’s Tit = Unstable cervical spine fractures   Jefferson Fracture A burst fracture of the…

Neck flexion injury

A diver shows up to your trauma bay in a c-collar and with complete motor paralysis of legs, torso, hands and weakness of shoulder muscles. He has no sensation to pain or temperature below his clavicles. His proprioception is intact. Which…

Knee Immobilizer Pearl

53 yo F was walking in high-heeled boots on the cobblestones of the west village. She slipped and suffered a knee twisting injury. On exam, she has an effusion but her plain film is negative for fracture/dislocation. She is in too much pain…

Mtp Pearls

32M BIBEMS s/p SW to abdomen. He becomes hypotensive/tachycardic, becomes less responsive. Massive transfusion protocol is initiated. What electrolyte abnormality is caused by massive transfusion? In the 1:1:1 ratio, are we talking about a…

Eye Trauma & Bradycardia

A 3yo M comes into your ED around midnight after a fall off a stool onto his face. He has been vomiting, is bradycardic in triage to the 50s so is brought into your pediatric RESUS bay. Mom states that his eyes “look weird”. On…

Face off

A 29 y/o M presents to your ED after a head-on MVC at moderate speed.  The patient was driving an older automobile without airbags, and smashed his face hard against the steering wheel.  He has significant facial ecchymoses and swelling, an…

Ouch, My Back

34 yo M BIBA s/p fall from 3 stories, suicidal attempt. Pt is AO3, CTA b/l, pelvis stable, able to lift all extremities off stretcher, sensation and peripheral pulses intact. Pt has right lateral heel/ankle deformity. +step off L1-L2 area,…

55 Chinese woman, no PMH, no meds.  P/w epigastric discomfort x 2 weeks, not responding to Pepcid Maalox.  Presented to Elmhurst ED for worsening epigastric discomfort and generalized weakness.  No fever/chill. + Mild dry cough.  No chest p…

E M Pearl, May 22

Thank you to Dr. Chris “This Ain’t No Simulation” Strother.   3 kids, 3 head injuries.   A) 2-month old boy, fell out of baby carriage onto top of head 30 minutes ago. No LOC, seizure, vomiting. Acting normally p…

Daily Em Pearl, 5/5/12

A young lady presents to your ED a few hours after a fist fight, c/o L-eye pain. She does not wear contacts and has tried ice and ibuprofen for the pain but noticed her eye was very red, so she came in for help. You do a complete eye exam,…

Daily Em Pearl, 5/4/12

A young lady is brought by friends on a makeshift stretcher. They have leaves in their hair and look frantic. They report that the patient went behind a tree to urinate, while on a hiking trip, and screamed after being bit on her L-forearm…

July 2024
