Pediatric Fever & Rash

A 3yo M no sig PMH, IUTD, comes into your ED with complaint of 3 days of fevers, diffuse rash worst on the R hip, mild limp, N/V, no urine output today, and lethargy. On exam, found to be febrile to 40.1, tachy to 197, BP 90s/50s, sat 96%….

Pearls for Meningitis

1. In a patient with suspected meningitis, should you give dexamethasone? 2. In the same patient, how much time do you have after giving empiric antibiotics to perform your LP?

Sbp Pearls

Pt is 58 yo M with PMH of alcoholism, HCV with liver cirrhosis (h/o variceal GI bleeds, h/o SBP, h/o hepatic encephalopathy) presents to ED with 2-3 days of altered mental status and fever, you want to rule-out Spontaneous Bacterial Periton…


Microbio Monday   CASE 42 yo F, previously healthy, presents to ED with 4-5 days of fever, chills, nonproductive cough followed by muscle aches. Symptoms are getting worse and have not responded to OTC treatments. Patient presented tod…

Tick-borne Illness – Not All Lyme

27M h/o sickle cell anemia presents with high fevers, sweats, HA, muscle aches, N/V.  Recent camping trip in New England.  Blood smear shows the following:   Diagnosis? What complications would you worry about?  

Urinary Tract Infection & Pregnancy

An 8 month pregnant female arrives to the ED complaining about dysuria. She is nontoxic appearing, afebrile. Exam significant for +suprapubic tenderness, -CVA tenderness. UA +leuks, +nitrates. 1) What antibiotic regimen should she be starte…

Zosyn = Nosyn

A 56 y/o male with poorly controlled diabetes s/p multiple toe amputations presents with several days of fever and foot pain.  He is tachycardic and hypotensive and appears to have an infected foot ulcer. Vascular surgery is paged, and agre…

Daily Pearl 11/8

A healthy nurse in a suburban community hospital presents reporting she thinks she has a positive PPD from a skin test that had been placed 48 hours ago. She has no known specific TB exposures. What finding is indicative of a PPD test in th…

Daily Pearl 11/4

What 2 classic radiographic findings are exemplified in these images? What clinical diagnoses are they individually pathognomonic for? What clinical presentations would you expect?


Bedbug bites Pruritic, urticarial papules most frequently on exposed areas Often linear configuration of 3-4 lesions (“breakfast, lunch, and dinner”. Ew.) Tx: corticosteroids + antihistamines

In ED, we often encounter patients with known HIV infection but unknown CD4 count.  Any quick way to estimate the CD4 count so we can use it to guide treatment? Thanks to Dr. Jacob Isserman, who recommended a retrospective cohort study publ…

24 year-old male, presented with multiple painful genital ulcers.  Herpes or chanchroid?  This is a question that came up during our most recent Core Didactics. Take a look at the pictures.  Which one is which? Herpes – caused by Herpes Sim…

September 2024
