Paxlovid: The Need to Know

Why Paxlovid: According to Pfizer’s clinical trial data from 2021 (participants enrolled by 09/29/2021) which it used for FDA approval, subjects who took Paxlovid were 89% less likely to develop severe illness and death from COVID than thos…

Procedural Sedation and Analgesia (PSA)

It’s winter and nobody has shoveled the roads; everyone and their mama is slipping. You have a patient with an obvious ankle dislocation and ortho is requesting that you put the patient to sleep so they can yank on the foot in peace w…

Ketamine PSA with Desaturation

During a busy day in the ED, it becomes apparent that the pulling and yanking on your patient’s shoulder has done absolutely nothing to reduce their shoulder. You perform your pre-procedure PSA Checklist, know that this young and acti…

EMTALA for Dummies

What is EMTALA? EMTALA stands for “Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act.” It is a federal law enacted by Congress in 1986 to prevent hospitals from sending away patients based on insurance status, race, gender, national origin, preex…

What We Learned at CORD16

Missed CORD? Here are a few take home thoughts from @BenAzan and @NupurGargMD. This is by no means meant to be comprehensive, but represents the learning points of a couple of senior residents at CORD. – Education – Career in Ac…


Resuscitate NYC 2016 was amazing. Special thanks to Scott Weingart (@emcrit) and Felipe Teran (@FTeranmd) who made it all possible! Get an inside look at how it all happened. Attendees:  540 EM Residents 50 Faculty from EM and CC 50 EMS, RN…

Cus It Up with Teamstepps…

by @BenAzan   Over the last several months, the Mount Sinai Emergency Department has been implementing TeamSTEPPS to improve the workflow, communication and operations in the Emergency Department. What is TeamSTEPPS? It’s essenti…

How to Succeed in 2015

As the year is coming to an end, a great place to look for inspiration for 2015 is Academic Life in Emergency Medicine’s series “How I work Smarter“. I’ve been reading these and wanted to share some highlights. The f…

Want to Get into Social Media?

Despite the fact that some at Sinai believe that social media is not essential for your education, others think it’s critically important. The concept is called FOAM for Free Open Access Medical education. You can read a full history…

September 2024
