Subcutaneous Insulin in DKA

Insulins and DKA came up in conference last week, but we didn’t discuss the use of subcutaneous insulin in DKA. SQ insulin is a potential alternative to IV therapy in mild to moderate DKA, and I think there is still a lot of variability in…


Review of definitions – Migrant – a person who moves from one place to another – Refugee – a person fleeing persecution or fear of persecution on one of 5 protected grounds.  – Asy…

Applying the LUCAS

Applying the LUCASwith minimal pauses in chest compressions FIRST STEP: LUCAS backboard behind patient’s head SECOND STEP: lift patient forward to slide backboard behind chest THIRD STEP: apply the LUCAS and start GIFs lifted from this vide…

Elmhurst Radiology Tips

“Hey let’s get bed 3 over to CT quick” “Any word on bed 3’s scans?” “Why hasn’t bed 3 gone to CT yet?!?” We’ve all been there. Here are some tips and tricks on how to work eff…

Lac washouts done the right way

We know how important it is to wash out our patients’ wounds, but we also know what a pain and mess it can be, especially on a busy side. This is a quick pearl that was handed to me as an intern (I believe by our very own Dr…

Thyroid Storm Management

TR Pearl: Thyroid Storm Management Diagnosing Thyroid Storm:  Management Things to keep in mind For patients in thyroid storm or impending storm If thyroid storm for sure, add glucocorticoids. They reduce T4 to T3 conversion….

Asthma and Redlining

“Take a deep breath and hold it. Now without exhaling, try to breathe in again.” We were in the cardiac room, discussing a young man that had died a few hours before we came onto our shift. He had been brought in after he was found in the s…

TB in the ED

Tuberculosis in the ED Patient presents to Elmhurst ED with cough, hemoptysis, night sweats and fatigue – quick, what’s the first diagnosis that comes to mind? This is the classic presentation for tuberculosis. But several times now I…

Sickle Cell Disease Emergencies

Sickle cell disease affects ~ 100,000 people in the US. Though pain is the most common ED presentation for patients with SCD, we should always consider life-threatening emergencies in this devastating and complicated disease.  Acute Chest S…

Trauma in Pregnancy

Trauma is the leading cause of non-obstetric death in pregnant women. MVAs and intimate partner violence account for most cases.  Let’s first discuss the physiological changes to consider when managing a pregnant patient in a trauma. M…

Managing Expectations

Let’s talk about managing expectations. You can do this with almost everyone/everything in your life, your goal being to under sell, over deliver. Some, not all, patients think that when they walk through these hallowed doors, th…

July 2024
