The Ankle Radiograph

Anatomy First, we’ll refresh our bony anatomy to contextualize the radiographic images. The ankle is composed of the distal tibia and fibula and the superior talus, which is stabilized by several ligaments and the fibrous syndesmosis. The s…

Helmet Removal

Why should I care about this? Ok, so it may not be that interesting, however, we should still review how to responsibly remove a helmet. In NYC, we very rarely encounter injured patients with a helmet on and that’s probably because they wer…

Lisfranc Injury

Summary Summary Anatomy of the Lisfranc Joint The Lisfranc joint consists of the articulation of the first three metatarsal bases with their respective cuneiforms and the 4th/5th metatarsal bases with the cuboid, along with associated ligam…

Shoulder Reductions

So today, we’re gonna talk about shoulder dislocations. This should resonate with a lot of you residents considering the weather conditions currently, or if you were worried about what would happen if a certain SuperBowl performer wer…

Tricky Orthopedics

That being said, let’s go through some commonly tested and easily confused orthopedic entities… Salter-Harris Classification Type 1 – Slipped (Physis) Type 2 – Above (metaphysis) Type 3 – Lower (Epiphysis) Type…

Ouch! My thumb!

A 44M with no PMH slipped and fell on his hand while playing with his kids in the park. He has swelling and pain over thumb MCP joint that is exacerbated by movement. The xray of his thumb is above, what is your diagnosis? This injury is kn…

Unstable Cervical Fractures

Last pearl before our inservice tomorrow. Good luck to everyone. Hopefully this will buy you an additional point.   Jefferson Bit Off A Hangman’s Tit = Unstable cervical spine fractures   Jefferson Fracture A burst fracture of the…

Knee Immobilizer Pearl

53 yo F was walking in high-heeled boots on the cobblestones of the west village. She slipped and suffered a knee twisting injury. On exam, she has an effusion but her plain film is negative for fracture/dislocation. She is in too much pain…

July 2024
