Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome

Don’t forget to consider Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome in your right upper quadrant pain differential!   Fits-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome is a rare disease process characterized by perihepatitis as a complication of pelvic inflammatory dise…

Postpartum Hemorrhage Pearls

Here are some very-quick and easy-to-read pearls to remember for the dangerous immediate postpartum complication of postpartum hemorrhage.   Most common causes Uterine atony (by far) Trauma (i.e. lacerations, surgical incisions, uterin…

Pregnancy Pain

A 29 y/o F 20 weeks pregnant presents with fever, dysuria, and left flank pain. She has some CVA tenderness on the right. WBC is elevated to 15. UA shows both blood and leukocytes in the urine. You are concerned about pyelonephritis vs. and…

Meconium Staining

26 yoF 36 weeks by dates presents to the ED in labor, and has a precipitous birth in the resus area.  The infant is covered with a greenish liquid the consistency of split-pea soup. How do you address this?

Ob-gyn Mcq

1. What is a not a common risk factor for PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)? (a) smoking (b) tampon use (c) multiple partners (d) young age (e) IUD 2. A 19 y/o G1 presents at 34 weeks gestation with BP 170/110, headache, and mild abdominal…

22 y/o F 35 weeks gestation being treated with magnesium sulfate for preeclampsia in your ED awaiting transfer to nearby hospital for definitive care. You go to re-evaluate the patient and find her somnolent, decreased respiratory drive and…

E M Pearl, May 25

Thank you to Papa Hernandez for this fascinating case.   37F 10 weeks pregnant (by LMP), asthma presents with 1-2 weeks of SOB. Extertional, +orthopnea, + bilateral LE edema. Has yet to initiate prenatal care. Her vitals at triage:  97…

E M Pearl, May 24

A 32F who is 14 weeks pregnant presents with intermittent shortness of breath x 1 day. She has no h/o DVT/PE. Vitals 98.9 100  105/70  18  99% on RA.  Clear lungs, no calf asymmetry on exam. You are concerned about PE. How should you procee…

Em Pearl, 5/8/12

Thank you to Adam Vella for inspiring this clinical question.   What’s the deal with NSAIDs in pregnancy? Ibuprofen and naproxen are category B drugs in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. Catergory D in the 3rd. (aspirin is category D t…

September 2024
