“Doc, I’m Blind!”

Super cool case, admittedly, maybe not a super high yield diagnosis BUT, I hope we can all agree, still very dope. Case: CC: 46yo M p/w worsening b/l vision over 1mo, now blind.  Vitals: WNL PMHx: L eye global rupture ~6mos ago 2/2 nail pen…

A ‘normal’ chest Xray

What do you see when you take a look at this Chest radiograph? It isn’t immediately noticeable (and was read as normal), and is a good reminder of why you should always check your own films, and why a systematic read is important.  If…

How Safe is Mechanical CPR?

Question – How safe is mechanical CPR compared to manual CPR? There are two devices used for mechanical CPR – the AutoPulse and LUCAS – neither of which has been demonstrated to show a survival benefit over manual CPR in r…

Aortic Dissection – A Covert Killer

Aortic dissections are insidious killers that are often undetectable by history and physical exam alone. Obviously, providers must have a high index of suspicion for these as their presentations are highly variable. CT angiography, and less…

Retinal Detachment v Hemorrhage

By Dr. Raashee Kedia Acute vision change A 51 year old female with a history of diabetes presented to the ED with acute onset of left eye painless blurry vision. Vitals were within normal limits. Fingerstick was 450. On exam : Visual acui…

Case- Abdominal pain

Patient with history of hypertension presents periumbilical abdominal pain radiating to the back. Minimal abdominal tenderness, no rebound or guarding, though  a pulsatile mass is felt. The following ultrasound is obtained: https://gmep.or…

What The Heck 1

This patient presented with right upper quadrant abdominal pain. There was RUQ tenderness on exam, but no fever, rebound or Murphy sign. A point-of-care ultrasound was performed to assess for signs of cholecystitis and the following image w…

XRS- Rib pain

32 year old female with no past medical history presents with cough for two weeks, no fever, no sputum. Multiple sick contacts with same symptoms at work. She acutely presents with left rib pain for several days.  She reports no trauma, an…

XRS – 1

X-Ray Stinks #1: Finger Injury In this new series we will highlight cases where ultrasound proved more useful than x-ray. A seven year old boy presented with distal phalanx pain, tenderness after a fall. The following x-ray was performed: W…

Case of the Month: April 2010

Thanks to Tatiana for an expertly presented ultrasound case of the month.  She was kind enough to put together this summary. 43y.o. F with pmh of asthma, HTN, recently treated for PNA p/w worsening dyspnea, pleuritic chest  pain,  cough…

Case 4

Thanks to Eduardo Lacalle for his presentation of the Ultrasound case of the month yesterday at Elmhurst conference.  Here’s a quick summary. 29M BIBEMS after assault.  Intoxicated but awake and cooperative.  Only complains of righ…

Case 3

54M with h/o HTN, DM, Tobacco and Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis presents with neck mass.  He looks dyspneic and uncomfortable at triage and has an obvious mass above his left clavicle to the degree that his head is tilted a bit to the…

Case 2

This 16 year old patient presents to the Emergency Department you have just started at in Menominee Michigan.   All of today’s patients have been on their way home this last day of hunting season.  You suspect this patient will…

July 2024
