Almost 10% of pregnant women have hypertension:Pre-existing: 1%, Gestational hypertension: 5-6%, Preeclampsia: 2% Chronic hypertension (in pregnancy): systolic BP 140+ or diastolic BP 90+ began before pregnancy – severe: if systolic…
Tl;dr: (1) Don’t forget to order a uric acid with the labs as it increases the specificity in diagnosing preeclampsia. (2) If the pt is preeclamptic with severe features (see below), then give 4g IV Mg followed by 1-2gr/hr infusion for 24hr…
Myxedema coma, or severe hypothyroidism, is an emergent condition with a high mortality rate (30-60%). Our patients rely on us to catch it early and treat aggressively. About 90% of cases occur during the winter months, and it is rarely see…
Don’t forget to consider Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome in your right upper quadrant pain differential! Fits-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome is a rare disease process characterized by perihepatitis as a complication of pelvic inflammatory dise…
Animal Bites (Cat, Dog, Monkey, Lizard, Snake) Quick bullets to prep for in-training, let’s review Management for ALL animal bites X-ray if suspect foreign body Remove teeth Routine wound care/irrigation Update tetanus Cats Pat…
While we may not see as many wilderness related injuries in the concrete jungle of NYC, they are important to know. Especially when you ski out west, tick off the bucket list item of trekking K2 or when it inevitable shows up on the boards….
Last pearl before our inservice tomorrow. Good luck to everyone. Hopefully this will buy you an additional point. Jefferson Bit Off A Hangman’s Tit = Unstable cervical spine fractures Jefferson Fracture A burst fracture of the…
This pearl was created in light of our impending in-service exam this Wednesday. Hopefully reading this will give you at least 1 point on the exam. A 19 yo F ingested 150 pills of Tylenol four hours ago and is presenting now because she do…
In my last day as TR, I will end with a final “Name that Poisonous Beast!”. Farewell, to poisonous beasts everywhere! In this case, back in the garden. Name this poisonous beast! A) And it’s amphibian colleague: B)
And back by popular demand, it’s another installment of “Name that Poisonous Beast!” Name this poisonous beast! A) And it’s stony neighbor: B)
You see a 20 month old with no PMH who has been wheezing and coughing for a few days. His cousin has RAD. Should you just give him a little albuterol and see how he does? Here’s his x-ray: What are you concerned for?
It’s the final part of “Name that Poisonous Beast!”. Today, we’re going to take a walk in the garden. Name this poisonous beast! A) And it’s seedy neighbor: B)
Part 3 of “Name that Poisonous Beast” is ocean-themed. Name this poisonous beast! A) And it’s floaty colleague: B)
It’s part 2 of “Name that Poisonous Beast!”. Here we go! Name this poisonous beast! A) And his slithery friend… B) And what about this guy? C)
By @benazan Free Open Access Medical education (FOAM) began as medium for accelerated knowledge translation of cutting edge medical knowledge and as a virtual community of practice for ED physicians. As it matures, it’s grown to inclu…