Applicant FAQ
Interview/Application Questions
How do I submit an application?
The Mount Sinai Hospital Emergency Medicine program uses the standard ERAS application process through the AAMC under Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (Mount Sinai Hospital) Program.
Does MSH EM accept COMLEX scores?
At this time we only accept USMLE scores for resident applications.
How do I schedule interviews?
Those selected to interview will receive an interview invitation by email through Interview Broker to schedule an interview day and time.
How will I meet the current residents/attendings?
Lots of ways! Feel free to reach out to our residents and/or attendings by email if you have any questions. Depending on COVID conditions, we will be hosting weekly social hours with interviewees, and one of the best ways to learn about the program is to rotate with us! For more information, please visit the Registration Page.
How large is the residency?
25 residents per class
Clinical Experience
What hospitals will I rotate through and what will I see?
We rotate through 4 main clinical sites: Mount Sinai Hospital, Elmhurst Hospital, Mount Sinai West and Mount Sinai Morningside.
The Mount Sinai Hospital ED is one of the main entry points into one of the largest tertiary-care teaching facilities in the country with multiple specialized ICUs, a robust transplant and LVAD program, and a wide range of medically complex patients, many of whom you will take care of in the ED. The patient population represents the local neighborhoods: Spanish Harlem, Central Harlem, and the Upper East Side.
Elmhurst Hospital is a public (city) hospital serving a large portion of Queens, in one of the most ethnically diverse communities in the world. With over 100 languages spoken, you will see patients from every corner of the globe, including medical problems that may rarely be seen in the United States. As a city hospital, Elmhurst Hospital is crucial in aiding and treating many underserved and vulnerable populations in New York. Elmhurst Hospital is also our level 1 trauma center with a majority of blunt trauma and a rising penetrating trauma rate.
What kind of trauma exposure will I experience?
The majority of trauma you will see will be at Elmhurst Hospital, which has such a great trauma experience that we have a waiting list of residencies wanting to send their residents to Elmhurst. There is a significant amount of blunt trauma ranging from construction accidents to MVCs, pedestrians and bicyclists struck by cars or other bicycles, and assaults. Though the immediate neighborhood is very safe to walk around, due to Elmhurst’s large catchment area we also see a high volume of penetrating injuries from knives, machetes, and guns.
How are traumas managed between the surgical and EM team?
Major traumas are co-run by the EM and trauma surgery senior residents. Procedures are split between the services on alternating days of the week with the exception of airway management which is always performed by the ED.
Does anesthesia get involved in any airways?
While anesthesia can be called for a difficult airway requiring special equipment, the Emergency Department owns and does almost all airways that occur within the department.
Does the Emergency Department have admitting privileges?
Yes, the Emergency Department at all 4 of our clinical sites has admitting privileges.
What EMR does MSH EM use?
Epic (all 4 sites)
What pediatric exposure will I experience?
Most of your pediatric emergency medicine exposure will happen in the Mount Sinai Hospital Pediatric ED staffed by PEM trained attendings and PEM fellows. It feeds into the Mount Sinai Kravis Children’s Hospital. You will also have great exposure in the Pediatric ICU.
How much critical care will I be exposed to?
A ridiculous amount. Both Mount Sinai Hospital and Elmhurst Hospital have dedicated ED critical care areas which you will start working in as a PGY-2 as the sole resident provider alongside an attending physician. Many of our attendings are also dual EM and critical care trained, making for a great learning environment where you will become comfortable managing multiple critically ill patients. You will also rotate through the MICU, SICU, CCU, and PICU through your first 3 years as a resident with additional elective time for those who want to explore other ICUs throughout the Mount Sinai system. There are well-received neuro ICU and transplant ICU elective options, among others.
What other non-EM rotations do residents do?
In addition to 4 months of required ICU time, residents are required to complete the following rotations: orthopedics, obstetrics (for deliveries), EMS, ultrasound, anesthesia (for intubations), medicine (2 weeks), toxicology, research, teaching.
What is the clinical responsibility for each class?
Our residency operates on the principle of graduated responsibility. As each year progresses, you will find yourself with increasing responsibility and in a new leadership role. For example, at Mount Sinai Hospital the PGY-1 is in charge of all strokes. During trauma activations at Elmhurst, the PGY-3 acts as the team leader while the PGY-2 is primarily responsible for the airway and primary and secondary survey. The PGY-1 is responsible for the E-FAST exam and, if they choose, vascular access. The PGY-4 functions throughout the year as an acting attending, learning how to manage an entire side of the ED, other residents, and overseeing a large portion of the operations of the ED. This system allows our residents to have an equal opportunity at all cases and procedures.
How does MSH EM schedule residents?
We schedule residents on strings of days and nights. Shifts are 8, 10, and 12 hours. As a PGY-1, the majority of shifts will be 12 hours and that continues to drop to almost all 8-hour shifts as a PGY-4. In general, weekend shifts are 12 hours in an attempt to have more weekends free for all residents. We have started to include more 8-hour shifts in the schedule for junior residents to improve resident wellness without sacrificing clinical exposure.
When do residents receive schedules?
Residents receive block schedules (26 2-week blocks) before the start of each year through a lottery and request system. The individual monthly shift schedules are usually released 1-3 months ahead of time.
How easy is it to change my schedule?
As a result of our large residency program, it is typically very easy to swap or get shifts covered between residents making it easy to find time for family, friends, or just relaxing.
How much vacation or paid time off do residents get?
Residents are given 4 weeks off per year broken up into two 2-week blocks. Residents are also allowed 1 wellness day every quarter, up to a maximum of (4) per academic year, to be used by residents and fellows to attend to their own or a loved one’s medical, dental, and mental health needs.
When do you have conference?
Conference is held every Wednesday at either Mount Sinai Hospital or Elmhurst Hospital from between 8-9 AM to 1-2 PM. Because we have periodic joint conferences with multiple services, including trauma surgery, cardiology, neurology, and more, the conference times slightly change every week.
How is the conference curriculum structured?
The conference curriculum is structured into blocks focusing on different major organ systems and repeats itself every 2 years, allowing for repeated exposure to all aspects of emergency medicine. It is composed of a mix of lectures, small group sessions, and simulation to foster different memorable learning environments.
How does the program help residents transition into intern year?
We want our interns to have a smooth transition to residency, and for that reason, the first 4 weeks of July are dedicated to intern orientation. During these 4 weeks, interns participate in didactics to refresh their clinical knowledge, shadow shifts to become acquainted with the different EDs, and most importantly, class time to get to know one another and explore NYC!
How do residents evaluate and influence the program and faculty?
As an ED resident, you will have a significant voice in how the program changes and improves even within an academic year. The leadership has instilled changes in the curriculum, simulation, and day-to-day aspects of the ED based on the feedback of the residents, including removing entire blocks that the residents did not find useful or adding time to blocks that are especially high yield. Additionally, faculty and program evaluations are anonymous, and the residency leadership has a revolving door policy and is always available to discuss any issues.
Can I “specialize” in a specific part of emergency medicine?
Yes! Every resident is required to complete a Scholarly Track or “mini-fellowship” to develop extra skills and knowledge in an area of interest, creating a foundation for a multidimensional career. These tracks are started as a PGY-3 when the clinical load is lower than the first half of residency and continued into the PGY-4 year when you are working the same number of clinical hours as junior academic faculty. These tracks range from administration and EMS/disaster medicine to wilderness medicine and diversity/inclusion/social EM. If there is a topic that is not already offered, the program leadership will work with you to find a mentor in whatever scholarly tract you are interested in.
How many research and elective blocks do residents get?
Residents have a 4 week research block as PGY-2s where they are paired with research mentors to work on academic projects and learn about the research process. Residents have 4 weeks of elective during their PGY-3 year and 12 weeks of elective during their PGY-4 year, allowing for plenty of time to pursue other academic interests.
NYC Questions
Where will I live?
Mount Sinai offers subsidized housing to all incoming residents at a very affordable price for New York City. These residences are usually located near Mount Sinai Hospital on the Upper East Side, and occasionally near Mount Sinai West in Columbus Circle. Residents also often choose to find their own apartments to live in throughout Manhattan, Queens, or Brooklyn. Due to having one of the highest salaries for residents in the country, our residents do not find housing to be an issue financially. A few residents choose to live in Queens near Elmhurst Hospital Center where our residents spend much of intern year, or in lower Westchester, to get more space for their money.
How will I get to work?
Shuttles and the subway! Mount Sinai offers shuttles between the main hospital and Elmhurst Hospital Center, as well as between the main hospital and Mount Sinai West if you happen to live on the west side. Also, due to the robust public transit system, most residents often take the subway to get to all clinical sites. During late night hours, the program also offers an Uber to and from work to keep you safe.
Will I need a car?
Unless you are living deeper into Queens or Brooklyn it tends to be cost-prohibitive to own a car in NYC. Public transit is great here and there are even hikes that you can reach using the subway system!
How easy is it to experience New York?
Just walk outside your apartment! New York City boasts one of the largest varieties of food, shows, museums, and experiences, and it is very easy to find things to do at all hours of the day. There are many affordable experiences, such as going to a comedy club or the free Shakespeare in the Park during the summers, and if you want to spend a little more on Broadway shows, Mount Sinai offers discounts for residents! If you are looking for great food check out our great eats restaurant list!